Take the humble chicken for example.
The average annual per capita consumption by continent goes roughly like this:
Asia: 7kg
Europe: 19kg
South America: 26kg
North America: 40 kg
Guess where Singapore sits in all this? A whopping 33kg that's where! Yes it's the fourth highest country in the world after Hong Kong, United States and Israel (well the latter I can understand as they can't pork or shellfish can they).
That's a hell of a lot of chooks chooks! In fact, it's 60 per cent of my body weight.
So where do all our feathered friends come from?
Before I answer this did you know that Asia produces the most poultry than any other continent in the world.
So how the hell does anyone produce that much chicken?
I am really hoping that the answer isn't this!
What's the SOURCE of your data on chicken consumption? My (Singaporean) wife thinks that's a lot of chicken!
Hi Thomas thanks for dropping by. It is indeed a lot of chicken! Data taken from the following: http://www.allcountries.org/uscensus/1370_per_capita_consumption_of_meat_and.html
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